Friday, June 24, 2016

Soon We'll Find Out

Still waiting, friends!

In our last post, I talked about how the wait for us is nothing compared to our little one's and others like them all around the world that wait for a family. I try to not lose sight on this, and forget who this is all about (which is not us).

Still, I'd be lying to say the wait isn't getting to us.

We wake up and go to bed with it on our minds. We dream about our little one -- even our kids dream about them as well! We. Are. Constantly. Thinking. And. Dreaming. About. It.

It quite frankly boggles our minds that we're still waiting. But we have to hold patiently firm to the truth that God's sovereign, and His hand is in this.

Lately I sense God whispering in my heart "Soon you'll find out why you've been waiting this long.." Really that's just fact in this phase of the process -- of course we'll find out why we've been waiting this long when we see their face, but whether or not there's extra meaning behind all of that -- we will see. This heart-whisper though gives extra peace in the waiting.

If you've been praying for us -- thank you so much. Feel free to e-mail us anytime with questions, words of encouragement, you name it (I believe there's a place on our blog where you can do that - if not, comment asking for our e-mail).

I'll leave you with this, and pray maybe it impacts your heart like it has mine::

"When I grew up in the orphanage it was Christians who came and built nicer buildings. Christians who bought us beds, clothing and provided money monthly for food. It was a Christian, who wrote a letter in a shoebox, who first told me I was loved. It was the Christians who met all my physical and material needs in that orphanage...

But it was also Christians who neglected my biggest need. Children in orphanages don't need more money, nicer buildings or better clothes. I am not an orphan because I lost my home or provisions. I am an orphan because I lost my parents. I needed a mom and a dad. I needed a family. Christians treated all my temporary symptoms of need but never cured my long-term disease of being orphan. I am still an orphan

-A quote by a 30 year old orphan who aged out of an orphanage where he lived his whole life, spoken at the CAFO Summit 2013-

Remember Beau from the last post? He's still waiting. Please pray his family sees him! He has a grant for his adoption, and a family can be matched with him even at the start of their adoption process since he's "Special Focus." There are *so* many other children listed on that site as well if you poke around. The least yet most we can do for these children is to pray.

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