Looks like we left off on Nov. 27th when we visited Shaiman Island!
Nov.28th came and we visited Guangzhou Zoo --- I'll go ahead and just paste what I wrote in a personal Facebook post that day (and I apologize for sloppy writing - I had to quickly do what I could since we were busy with William!):
"Today we went to the zoo and William wasn't terribly amused except at some monkeys where he made cute monkey noises at them.

We're struggling with bedtime routine, but being in a hotel room combined with a toddler that isn't used to so much stimulation will do that! Bedtime in his case is basically when he's so tired and finally just falls to sleep on the bed and we very carefully put him in the pack N play. He doesn't take naps really, so by the time bedtime rolls around, we honestly enjoy the break, as much as we love the lil guy. Last night we fed him and got him to sleep and bed, and ordered Papa John's and enjoyed that while watching Jurassic Park on a very low volume.
We only have two full days left and I can't believe it!! Most can't
wait to get home, but I could stay here longer. Our stay in China has
flown by far too quickly, and I would love to take in Williams birth
country and culture more. I already miss China as I talk about leaving.."
Then that day came and went and here is what I posted on our last day in China::
"Yesterday was a big day and we went to his visa appt at the US Consulate here!! We get his visa today.
Last night we went on an evening cruise with other families here, and it was so nice. Lil William seemed to enjoy it compared to other things we have done.
He's doing pretty well, and did better at breakfast this morning (we're pretty sure he's never sat in a highchair before being with us so that's been a struggle, except today he cooperated!).
Another highlight is that he will willingly lay down to be changed now and seems comfortable.
He's gotten more comfortable out in public and today he snuck out of his stroller and started walking to explore! Normally that wouldn't be a good thing except in his case, it is because he at least feels comfortable enough to do so whereas before he felt safest in my arms or just in the stroller.
I forgot to mention that we finally got him in the bath! At first I thought he'd have a breakdown, but it helped to have sis in there (in her swimsuit). He loooooved it!
Today we went to a beautiful park nearby our hotel (seriously beautiful). It had an adult exercise park and ping-pong tables. And everywhere you go you see elderly doing stretches, yoga, or hacky-sack.
The vegetation and landscaping is the most beautiful I've ever seen.
Today is our last day in China, and I hate to say goodbye. I really do. I love it here. I'll now dream of bringing William back one day and will look forward to sharing with him what I know and remember about his birth country/culture."
Then that day came and went and here is what I posted on our last day in China::
"Yesterday was a big day and we went to his visa appt at the US Consulate here!! We get his visa today.

Last night we went on an evening cruise with other families here, and it was so nice. Lil William seemed to enjoy it compared to other things we have done.
He's doing pretty well, and did better at breakfast this morning (we're pretty sure he's never sat in a highchair before being with us so that's been a struggle, except today he cooperated!).
Another highlight is that he will willingly lay down to be changed now and seems comfortable.
He's gotten more comfortable out in public and today he snuck out of his stroller and started walking to explore! Normally that wouldn't be a good thing except in his case, it is because he at least feels comfortable enough to do so whereas before he felt safest in my arms or just in the stroller.
I forgot to mention that we finally got him in the bath! At first I thought he'd have a breakdown, but it helped to have sis in there (in her swimsuit). He loooooved it!
Today we went to a beautiful park nearby our hotel (seriously beautiful). It had an adult exercise park and ping-pong tables. And everywhere you go you see elderly doing stretches, yoga, or hacky-sack.
The vegetation and landscaping is the most beautiful I've ever seen.
Today is our last day in China, and I hate to say goodbye. I really do. I love it here. I'll now dream of bringing William back one day and will look forward to sharing with him what I know and remember about his birth country/culture."
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