From Dec. 1::
"We're home!!
We left our hotel in Guangzhou very early yesterday morning for the airport, and boarded our flight. We then flew to Shanghai where we had a connecting flight to Detroit. Then we boarded from Shanghai to Detroit around 11:30. We really had no time to do anything but get our luggage, re-check, and go through immigration and security again. Lil William honestly did surprisingly well. Of course there were times where he got restless, went crazy on tv touch screen several times, bounced in his seat, but over-all he slept a good bit and didn't cry for the most part which is pretty amazing. The main big cry he let out was on our last short flight (imagine that
), when the stewardess made us put him in his own seat and buckle him for take off and landing (he haaaaaates being strapped in). I sort of warned her he'd scream his head off, and she was trying to reassure me he'd be just fine but sure enough...he screamed.

One of the worst parts of international travel (especially with
connections) is the looooong waits to get through immigration, security,
re-checking bags, etc. It's not so bad on your own, but add in a 2 year
old and that makes things interesting for sure! He has done so well
though considering.
We got into Des Moines around 5:30p, and went straight home. No fanfare, just went home and showed William around a tad. We're not hyping up "home" to him considering we're only here until the 12th and then we're off to Ohio. To him this will seem like yet another hotel stay. He seemed to immediately enjoy the amount of space though and started running around and acting goofy!
I need to get him on video when he's sweetly "singing" (babbling/singing) while dancing. It's pretty cute!!!
I'll post more tomorrow! And more pictures I couldn't load the last couple of days in China!!"
The first full day home; Dec.2::
Lastnight went worse than ultimately hoped for, but better than expected! Sweet boy fell asleep in my arms at 11:30p lastnight so I carefully put him to bed in his pack 'n play by our bed in our room, and we immediately went to bed to get as much sleep as we could in case he'd wake up mid-night. Sure enough he was up at 1:30a and very restless for 2+ hours constantly asking me to take him to the glider rocking chair to rock him, then back down to check out our bathroom, then to our bed and again and again...and again. Eventually around 4a he fell back to sleep in bed with us where we remained until 1p today! I'd say jetlag is alive and well considering we've been getting up around 6a...definitely not 1p!
We got into Des Moines around 5:30p, and went straight home. No fanfare, just went home and showed William around a tad. We're not hyping up "home" to him considering we're only here until the 12th and then we're off to Ohio. To him this will seem like yet another hotel stay. He seemed to immediately enjoy the amount of space though and started running around and acting goofy!
I need to get him on video when he's sweetly "singing" (babbling/singing) while dancing. It's pretty cute!!!
I'll post more tomorrow! And more pictures I couldn't load the last couple of days in China!!"
The first full day home; Dec.2::
Lastnight went worse than ultimately hoped for, but better than expected! Sweet boy fell asleep in my arms at 11:30p lastnight so I carefully put him to bed in his pack 'n play by our bed in our room, and we immediately went to bed to get as much sleep as we could in case he'd wake up mid-night. Sure enough he was up at 1:30a and very restless for 2+ hours constantly asking me to take him to the glider rocking chair to rock him, then back down to check out our bathroom, then to our bed and again and again...and again. Eventually around 4a he fell back to sleep in bed with us where we remained until 1p today! I'd say jetlag is alive and well considering we've been getting up around 6a...definitely not 1p!
got up and William had hard boiled eggs (one of his favorite things to
eat) and some warm milk. I woke up with a headache and my eyes wanting
to stay shut which is unusual for me (I'm not a morning person per-say,
but I usually always feel well in the morning and ready to start the
day). A cup of coffee with mocha peppermint creamer has been heaven to
me (I haven't had a full cup of coffee in the morning since pre-China,
because in China they either give you very very little coffee or just
having to handle William and forgo most of it).
We're just taking it very slow today. William is playing with stringing beads while the kids watch something on the tv (very thankful the tv is high and out of his reach unlike the last hotel's!).
Billy has already installed cabinet latches, outlet covers, and doorknob covers (we thought we'd just keep a close eye on him seeing we only have a week and a half...but...yea..
New words are "Thank you, Mama" and others that he tries to repeat. And words he will be using for a while are "NO" in Chinese which sounds like "Boo-how" but he says it like "Bee-yow!!!" It took us a while to figure that out sadly. He's learning gentle touch more and more which is something we've worked on since day one. Throwing things has gotten better, but just this morning he played with left-over egg yolk from his boiled eggs and tossed those (so we have a lil ways to go!).
The time we traveled to China was *perfect* for weather. Absolutely comfortable. But it honestly does stink to get home to such cold weather when we'd love to take a stroll to the park, play on the trampoline, etc. It'll make our attempted cocooning a little harder being stuck indoors (harder as in...cabin fever big time!). We'll see if he'd like to go out still, but he isn't used to such cold. Even 65 degrees and a lil wind in China was cold to him."
We're just taking it very slow today. William is playing with stringing beads while the kids watch something on the tv (very thankful the tv is high and out of his reach unlike the last hotel's!).
Billy has already installed cabinet latches, outlet covers, and doorknob covers (we thought we'd just keep a close eye on him seeing we only have a week and a half...but...yea..

New words are "Thank you, Mama" and others that he tries to repeat. And words he will be using for a while are "NO" in Chinese which sounds like "Boo-how" but he says it like "Bee-yow!!!" It took us a while to figure that out sadly. He's learning gentle touch more and more which is something we've worked on since day one. Throwing things has gotten better, but just this morning he played with left-over egg yolk from his boiled eggs and tossed those (so we have a lil ways to go!).
The time we traveled to China was *perfect* for weather. Absolutely comfortable. But it honestly does stink to get home to such cold weather when we'd love to take a stroll to the park, play on the trampoline, etc. It'll make our attempted cocooning a little harder being stuck indoors (harder as in...cabin fever big time!). We'll see if he'd like to go out still, but he isn't used to such cold. Even 65 degrees and a lil wind in China was cold to him."
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