Dec. 10 ::
"As you probably guessed - we've been pretty busy and little to no time to hop on to post an update!!
We've had packers come for two days straight, our first post-placement visit with our social worker, and yesterday movers came to move everything out of the house.
So far it's gone pretty well - we've tried to just stay out of their way and to keep in one room to another to minimize stress for our lil guy. I guess the downside of trying to stay completely out of the way is that we've had things packed that shouldn't have adoption paperwork...
Yesterday we ate out for the first time with him since getting home from China, and it went well! We went to Chick-fil-a and he enjoyed his chicken nuggets and playing in the play area with big bro and big sis. We then took him to the local community center's indoor play area. We honestly keep a very close eye on him around other kids. He hasn't harmed anyone, but when you've lived in a place for 2 1/2 years where hitting happened all the time...well..ya know.
We found a couple new favorite snacks - dried edamame beans and raisins.
We've been blessed with sleep since we've been home, but he's still not getting as much as he really needs for his age. Lastnight we almost got to 10 hours with him, but with waking up around 4a very restless like the night before. He's been sleeping in his pack n play by our bed nicely (which we're happy about!), and I go and soothe him if he wakes up and whines - and honestly give him a bottle (I know, not the best thing to give a lil a bottle in bed, but this is for his comfort - not going to take that away from him anytime soon).
It's been challenging to get ready for a move! Today I've been working on cleaning the house the best I can, all while tending to his needs. I'll leave to go upstairs (he's gated in the living area), and he'll shout "MOMMY?!!!!" I yell back, "Yes, honey????" And he babbles and says again..."MOMMY!!!!" As long as I'm answering back he seems okay, but I just try to take breaks and play or love on him when I can.
On the dog...we still have a gate up. *Sigh.* But..he fed Tarsus treats (by throwing them over the gate at him) and seemed to sort of enjoy watching him eat them up (that or he was hoping he'd choke to death on one..
Today Tarsus snuck out the back door and went running, so the baby and I were inside watching everyone try to track him down and he thought that was pretty funny (or again..hoping Tarsus would just run and never come back!).
He cracks us up so much. He'll have full-on Chinese-baby-babble conversations with me with the most *serious* facial and hand expressions. I typically just act like I totally know what he's talking about and chat with him through it and he loves it.
Tomorrow we say goodbye to Iowa after we go to church. Today as I was getting things ready, emotions flooded. So many good memories in just a lil over 2 years of time. Precious friends.
We'll break up our trip to OH in two days and stay overnight in Peoria, and hoping to meet up with a sweet friend of mine who just adopted a few months ago from China as well!"
He could only take so much smothering at this point as you can tell by his face!
Like a warrior getting ready to battle. Ha!
"As you probably guessed - we've been pretty busy and little to no time to hop on to post an update!!
We've had packers come for two days straight, our first post-placement visit with our social worker, and yesterday movers came to move everything out of the house.
So far it's gone pretty well - we've tried to just stay out of their way and to keep in one room to another to minimize stress for our lil guy. I guess the downside of trying to stay completely out of the way is that we've had things packed that shouldn't have adoption paperwork...

Yesterday we ate out for the first time with him since getting home from China, and it went well! We went to Chick-fil-a and he enjoyed his chicken nuggets and playing in the play area with big bro and big sis. We then took him to the local community center's indoor play area. We honestly keep a very close eye on him around other kids. He hasn't harmed anyone, but when you've lived in a place for 2 1/2 years where hitting happened all the time...well..ya know.
We found a couple new favorite snacks - dried edamame beans and raisins.
We've been blessed with sleep since we've been home, but he's still not getting as much as he really needs for his age. Lastnight we almost got to 10 hours with him, but with waking up around 4a very restless like the night before. He's been sleeping in his pack n play by our bed nicely (which we're happy about!), and I go and soothe him if he wakes up and whines - and honestly give him a bottle (I know, not the best thing to give a lil a bottle in bed, but this is for his comfort - not going to take that away from him anytime soon).
It's been challenging to get ready for a move! Today I've been working on cleaning the house the best I can, all while tending to his needs. I'll leave to go upstairs (he's gated in the living area), and he'll shout "MOMMY?!!!!" I yell back, "Yes, honey????" And he babbles and says again..."MOMMY!!!!" As long as I'm answering back he seems okay, but I just try to take breaks and play or love on him when I can.
On the dog...we still have a gate up. *Sigh.* But..he fed Tarsus treats (by throwing them over the gate at him) and seemed to sort of enjoy watching him eat them up (that or he was hoping he'd choke to death on one..

Today Tarsus snuck out the back door and went running, so the baby and I were inside watching everyone try to track him down and he thought that was pretty funny (or again..hoping Tarsus would just run and never come back!).
He cracks us up so much. He'll have full-on Chinese-baby-babble conversations with me with the most *serious* facial and hand expressions. I typically just act like I totally know what he's talking about and chat with him through it and he loves it.
Tomorrow we say goodbye to Iowa after we go to church. Today as I was getting things ready, emotions flooded. So many good memories in just a lil over 2 years of time. Precious friends.

We'll break up our trip to OH in two days and stay overnight in Peoria, and hoping to meet up with a sweet friend of mine who just adopted a few months ago from China as well!"
He could only take so much smothering at this point as you can tell by his face!
Like a warrior getting ready to battle. Ha!