Yesterday was our last day in Fuzhou (Fujian province - where William is from), and so Ms. Cosette and I went out shopping nearby to get last minute souvenirs with our guide Iris which was nice because Billy got some good time with him, and we got a much needed short break. We were concerned about him the whole time and felt a lil rushed to get back, and it was nice to get back and see that he did well being left with the guys!
Around 3p we left for the airport, and before getting there we stopped at the ocean, and Billy and the kids were able to get out and snap a couple pictures and pick up some shells to keep (sweet boy was sleeping).
This was William's first airport experience, and it was definitely stressful for him. Through security, they made me put him down (he *has* to be carried in new environments), and she hand-patted him down while he screamed. Eventually we boarded, and he actually did well on the flight (could've cared less about take-off), but towards the end he did *not* like when they asked me to put him in his seat and buckle him up, so at this point, I just sat him down and put my arm infront of him during landing. I can't say I'm looking forward to a 12+ hour flight home!!

We got into Guangzhou around 8p or shortly after and got into our hotel maybe 30 minutes after where we saw a few other adoptive families with their children, I assume all exhausted also.
:-) We met another couple with their 2 1/2 year old boy who live fairly close to where we're moving in Ohio! So we look forward to getting to know them more during our stay.

This morning I went with lil William alone to our visa medical exam appointment (along with all the other adoptive-families with our agency - 8 other families!). I chose to go alone with him to save on transfer fees, but quickly realized it would've been well worth it to have the extra help.
First I'll say that William doesn't do well at all with official-type-environments, and gets quickly stressed. I also think, like many sweeties in his shoes, he has some medical trauma and does *not* like doctors and/or medical staff. The doctor didn't even have to say a word to him and he began crying, and you can imagine what the lil guy thought when the doctor started look in his ears, mouth, etc. Next stop was basic weight and height checks - not a fan either. Then the general exam which went even worse (it was like a progression of pure torture for him). They checked his body after removing his clothes, and the poor lil guy *really* hated the doctor taking off his diaper (who wouldn't?!). Last part of the total exam was the TB test...of course, worst of all because needle-poking is involved, and guess what? The nurses just take your child away into the room and do not allow you in.
:-\ The second that took him he began wailing. And when they opened the door - of course even worse wailing.
:-( So that was that, and I think we were both very happy to have that over with!!

We got to the hotel and after a while they needed just 1 parent to do some paperwork and to attend a brief meeting (just to go over the itinerary for the rest of our stay here in Guangzhou/China), so I went by myself to do all that while Billy and the kids stayed in the hotel room. When I got back, lil William was sound asleep and took a nice 2 hour long nap (nice but hoping he sleeps tonight!).
He is a sweet sweet boy but he definitely has an ornery-spunky side that keeps us on our toes! He has a huge personality when he's in the hotel room where he's most comfortable.
The weather is sort of crummy right now here (fairly cold, windy, and rainy) so we may or may not go to Shaiman Island tomorrow (William does not like wind or rain!). We hope to go to the zoo on Monday though!
Still wont get in the pool, but likes to watch!
Here you can see a bit of his personality!
Saying goodbye to our wonderful guide, Iris!
Some fun in the new hotel room :-)
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