Sunday, August 9, 2015

We're Adopting!; Official Announcement

Dear Family & Friends,
After much prayerful consideration, we have decided to further build our family through adoption! We made the decision months ago, but felt we needed to wait to tell until we had officially started the process.
We know you’ll have plenty of questions. We also know you’ll have plenty of concerns. Despite that, we pray and hope that you’ll provide much needed moral support and prayer through this journey of ours.

After intently weighing our options, we have settled on adopting through the Waiting Child - China program.

We put together a FAQS page for you to answer some of the questions you may have -- you'll find this from our blog home page in the top page bar. These will be the questions you may have after reading this initial announcement. :-) We'd appreciate it if our closest family and friends quickly took a look at the FAQS in order to hopefully help them answer others' concerns or questions when talking to them about our adoption process.

What’s interesting to know is that our child is most likely already here! How exciting (and mind-boggling) is that? Please pray with us for him/her on a daily basis. We pray that God will reveal and get them to us as soon as possible. We pray for protection over their life. We pray for healing in whatever way that’s needed. We pray the orphanage sees and takes care of their every need to their greatest capacity while we're working our way to them. We pray that while we’re worlds apart, they’ll feel every ounce of our love through our Heavenly Father’s warm embrace. We may not know who our child is yet, but our hearts are already nearly filled to the brim with love for them.

We do not take lightly that our precious baby boy/or girl will come with a back story. Adoption, as much as it is a blessing in so many ways, always begins in tragedy and loss. This loss usually occurs with abandonment. With that said, we respect that the details of our child’s story (their birth parents, how they got to the orphanage, etc) will be just that -- their story. It is not ours to tell, but theirs to tell someday if they please, to whom they please. We say this in hopes that you understand when we do not give details when asked.
Adoption is at the heart of God. Numerous scriptures speak very boldly about the need of taking care of the fatherless. In fact, there are numerous people from the Bible who were, indeed, adopted! Jesus was adopted. Moses was adopted. Esther was adopted.  And, those who have received Christ into their hearts are adopted as well! (Ephesians 1:5) Adoption is foundational to the Gospel. And though while we affirm it is spoken of repeatedly throughout scripture in various ways, please don’t misinterpret this as being our sole reasoning to adopt. We’re not adopting because we think we’re “saving a child” or that it’s necessarily a biblical mandate. We’re not adopting out of self-righteousness; in fact, we’ve had to and still are trying to overcome feelings of inadequacy in this process. We simply want to further build our family through adoption; offer our family and home to a child that needs both; and while we know we can bless a child, we also know that child can over-and-abundantly bless *us!* Children are blessings from the Lord -- period. Will this process be emotionally straining? Yes! Will it be physically exhausting? Yes! Will it be financially exhausting? Yes! But our child will be worth every ounce of it all.

We’ve heard others say, “If the same steps that are involved in adopting a child were involved in biologically having one -- hardly anyone would be making babies.” In other words, it’s not for the faint of heart. We’ve read several books already, articles, blogs, talked to others -- and all say the same, but all agree and know it’s been the greatest blessing at the same time.
So we hope you're excited in joining us in this journey. We'll certainly keep you updated through our blog -- so please come again! Thank you in advance for your moral support and your prayers! They mean so much to us.

                                                                                                                                               Grace and blessings,
                                                                                                                                               Billy (Will) & Robin

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