Friday, October 28, 2016



We will be leaving Nov. 17, and will have lil William in our arms on Nov. 21!!! 

*THANK YOU* to those who've recently donated. It has been an overwhelming and emotional past couple of days.
One of those donations is anonymous - whoever you are, thank you, thank you, thank you. You don't know what that means to us, and we are so humbly blessed by your generosity.
Another donation is from another sweet friend who's also an adoptive-mama-in-process that's on the same timeline as us and who I've been praying with to travel ASAP, and I'm rejoicing with her today because they received TRAVEL APPROVAL also, and will be leaving soon for their 10 year old son!! These mamas are fierce, I tell you. <3 I cannot wait to pay it all forward to other adoptive-families one day.
Our adoption-village is showin' up! We're so thankful for you. You are certainly loving lil William all the way home!!
Less than THREE weeks until travel. Truly unbelievable!!
We'll be in China during Thanksgiving, and boy is that fitting!! We will be as thankful as ever to have our sweet boy finally in our arms.

Thank you for praying. Thank you for your encouragement. Thank you for being a part of this process with us!!

                                                          We are coming sweet boy!!!


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Next Stop: Travel Approval!!!

After we received our I-800, our Article 5 was dropped off on October 10, and was picked up October 25!!

What is Article 5?

It's a notice to request our travel approval from the CCCWA (China Center for Children's Welfare and Adoption). Once Article 5s are picked up/issued, travel approvals come anywhere from just a handful of days to two weeks.

We very well could be traveling in just THREE weeks, friend!!!

**Deep breath**

So many emotions right now. So beyond excited to finally be able to hold our baby boy and kiss that face we've been staring at since June. Yet we have sooooo much to do!! Besides the adoption, we have quite a bit going on. So preparing for travel ontop of everything, wooooo-buddy!! I've got peace it'll all work out though, and I know that once he's in our arms that all else will fade.

Soooo, what are we waiting on now?? TRAVEL APPROVAL!!! Please pray with us that we receive travel approval ASAP!! Once we have that and our Consulate appointment set, we can start booking.

I haven't even thought about diapers, wipes, and other baby/toddler necessities! Oh my. Funny how those things are so essential during your own pregnancy, but they're quite honestly the *last* things on your mind during an adoption process. You're more obsessed over attachment, bonding, cocooning, healing trauma, orphanage behaviors, enough stimulation but not overdoing it, nutrition, and more...and more.

I really cannot wrap my mind around the fact that we may have our sweet boy in our arms a little over 3 weeks from now...

Thank you for praying!!! Stay tuned!!!!


This process is long, amazing, exhausting, financially depleting, complicated, growing, bumpy, lonely at times..and of course totally worth it.

The other night while praying over precious William and just talking to the Lord about our entire process, I broke. Sometimes you carry something for a while and just..break.

The next day I went ahead and wrote the names of the few people who've donated to our account, posted it on Facebook, and re-posted about our puzzle fundraiser.

Little did I know that $1,500.00+ would be donated *that* day. If you know me, you know I don't cry easily. I've always tried to hold back (one reason: I'm the ugliest, I mean UGLIEST crier you've ever seen). Blame the adoption hormones or whatever else, but I broke down again. Not only a huge financial help, but it was much-needed encouragement.

Before I go further, please know we don't expect anyone to contribute financially, in fact, we know some of you probably are against any type of adoption fundraising, and you're entitled to feeling that way about it, and we respect that completely.

Soon after posting on Facebook, a sweet incredible adoptive-mama-in-process commented that she was donating toward three puzzle pieces in honor of her THREE children waiting in our son's province. Yes, you heard me...three!! All aged 2-3 years old.

I was speechless.

You're telling me, of all people...a mama who's in an adoption process for not one, or two, but three sweet babies is contributing to our process for one?! Friends...there are no words. No words.

Was I completely shocked though? Not really.

You see, I've watched in secret fundraising groups led by adoptive-mamas, and have *seen* with my very eyes other adoptive-mamas both already home and in-process come and band together to help others get their children home. It's absolutely one of the most miraculous beautiful things I've ever witnessed. These same mamas are newly home, quite honestly probably still recovering from all the costs ontop of everything else involved in an adoption; others are in-process struggling to come up with thousands themselves. And they know first-hand that adoption changes lives, and want to see these children get home! Amazing is an understatement.

When starting this process I was told by other adoptive-parents to be prepared to watch those who you'd think would give you support wont, and those you'd least expect will.

I also know that those in process or who have adopted know first-hand the struggles there are when faced with a $15k+ bill staring you in the face ontop of all the other complexities in the process. When you experience it all yourself, you can't help but to help others in the same valley you once were in.

As for that dear friend who's in process for three littles in our son's province who gave toward our process, will you cover them in prayer when you think to pray for us?? Thank you.

If you missed our puzzle fundraiser post - we're having one to where you can "buy" a puzzle piece for $20 (donated to our account). We'll write your name on the back of the piece, and once finished we will frame the puzzle in a see-through (front and back) frame to where our sweet boy will be able to see for himself all those that helped bring him home piece-by-piece. Are you the next piece??

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Today we're launching our puzzle fundraiser!!

We're looking at traveling in just over a month from today, at most, 1 1/2. It is getting down-to-the-wire, and we're humbly asking for your help. Any bit helps.

Would you consider being a piece of the puzzle in loving lil William all the way home?? If you donate $20 to our AdoptTogether account, your name will be written on a piece of the puzzle. Purchase two pieces, then your name will be written on two pieces of the puzzle! This will be a forever-cherished-treasure to be hung in his bedroom (framed in a see-through frame so it can  be flipped around at any moment for him to see everyone who helped bring him home, piece-by-piece).

We're grateful beyond what words can express for your encouragement, prayers, and moral support so far. As always, *thank you.*And thank you for considering in being a piece of the puzzle in seeing him home.

Monday, October 3, 2016

800 Approval!

We received our 800 approval today, friend!!

In other words - the US (Homeland Security; US Citizenship & Immigration) *APPROVED* us to adopt our sweet boy!!

Another approval??

You've heard me say "approve" quite a bit haven't you? The biggest and main approvals through this process is first, the approval to adopt from China in general from the US (800A); second - approval to adopt your child from China (known as Letter of Acceptance/LOA); lastly the 800 which is a petition to adopt your specific child from the US side (USCIS)  -- which is what we received today!!! This is the LAST big approval (that is before travel approval)!

These last steps will FLY right by!!  I'd love to be telling you right now we're able to get on the plane Nov.4 (our agency's next travel date for his province), but it looks like we'll be missing that by days (yes, just days!!) -- that's honestly been hard to swallow, and we hate that our baby boy has to wait another month just because of missing a scheduled travel date.

So since we're missing Nov.4, we're looking at Dec.2, and meeting him Dec.5. These are not approved dates, but we don't have any reason to believe we'd miss Dec.2 for sure. We'd be coming home Dec.16th or so -- just in time for Christmas!!! It will certainly go down as the best Christmas we've ever had!

So today marks less than two months to go!! That seems so far away, yet I'm overwhelmed right now with an ever-growing to-do list! Just so much to do, but I'm putting it all in God's hands and trusting He's got control. He's. Got. This.

What's next??

We're currently working on our applications for our Chinese visas. We're also waiting now for the National Visa Center (NVC) to send us a letter stating they've notified the US Consulate in Guangzhou (China - where his adoption will be finalized) that our 800 was issued. This should come by the end of this week. After we receive this, we'll then file the DS-260, which is applying for his US visa. Then we'll wait for our "Article 5" (a notice that the consulate sends to request our travel approval from the CCCWA), then last but certainly not least, we wait for our travel approval from China!!!! We're almost there!!!

Keep on praying!!! It's needed more than ever!! If you haven't stopped to check out our profile on, please check it out! Stay tuned!!

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