This process has already been proven to be bumpier than we hoped (we expect things to get bumpy, but are admittedly always too hopeful they wont be -- assuming that's just human nature).
There are always unknowns in this process. And the unknowns are typically "harder" than the knowns. But recently I've been trying to stop dwelling on the unknowns and put trust in the fact that they are God-knowns. We may not know, but God does, and that alone gives us much needed peace and comfort.
We got videos!!!!!
We received a small medical update as well as three short videos. Three. Short. Videos - you all! You can imagine how many tears flowed when viewing these. In one video he's playing with this wooden fishing game (I found it on Amazon!), another he's threading that thick string through little blocks with holes, and the last one he's drawing on one of those magnet-doodles. We caught a glimpse of his smile in one video where he proudly puts the wooden stick on the hole where the fish goes and looks up at the nanny holding the camera and gives a quick smile!! You bet I screenshotted it and saved it as a picture. While he's doodling on the magnadoodle-type-toy, at one moment he's proud of his "work" and lifts his hands in celebration and makes an "Eee!!" sound -- undoubtedly the most precious sound you've ever heard.
In the videos we also got to see his arms and legs since he's in a t-shirt and shorts (like I said before, he's layered up in the first pictures we received). He's so little!! His face is less filled out in the videos, and he has the sweetest tiny arms and legs.
So now what?!
We're currently waiting for China to send our "Letter of Acceptance" which is a formal letter stating we can adopt him. We should have our LOA within the next couple of weeks!! After we receive our formal Letter of Acceptence, we'll have to file again to the USCIS (US Immigration) to specifically adopt him. Some more paperwork is tied up in this phase of the process, and then we'll be waiting for travel approval and a Consulate appointment from China (granting us permission to come and finalize his adoption).
When will you travel?
From receiving our LOA, we could potentially travel in as little as two months , or three, and as many as four. As of right now, we are praying and hoping we can travel November 4 (our agency's travel date for his province). The next travel date if we miss Nov 4th is Dec.2nd. As much as we hope for Nov. 4, we are thinking we may end up traveling Dec. 2nd...but boy, would November be nice!! We just hope we can travel as soon as possible!
Please keep praying!
One day is one day too long in an orphanage, and our little boy will have spent about 2 1/2 years in his by the time we're able to get him. There is no wrapping your mind around that alone. Please pray for him. I pray every day that God wraps His loving and protective arms around his little body until we're able to wrap him in ours.
Please pray that the rest of the process runs as smoothly as possible.
We have unknowns regarding his medical that won't be answered until he's finally home with us and seen by doctors. Please pray for an as positive outcome possible regarding all of that.
Please pray for the financial aspect of this process. So far we've paid close to $9,000.00 out of pocket in cash (in direct fees and related expenses). The biggest fee (which consists of different fees into one big one) is to come within just a couple months which is $15,000.00. We also have added costs between that fee and travel costs (Visas, post-placement visit fees that are paid in advance, etc). After that, we have to pay for our travel which will easily total over $10,000.00. I know, I know.. *Breathe in...breathe out* Ontop of those costs, we have to prepare for out-of-pocket medical costs our insurance may not cover once home. It's easy to get overwhelmed when adding up all these costs in our heads - but we try to have peace that it will all work out.
I'll share more later in another post why the process costs so much, and break down the costs so that it's more easily understood. I've said it before, but I guess I'll say it again -- the process to adopt is what consists of all the costs (children themselves do not cost anything, so please don't ask adoptive-couples how much their "children cost"). $35k+ seems like a lot of money, but if you ask me, it's nothing when we're talking about one less orphan. This isn't something temporary or short-term, or a frivolous investment -- we're talking about making an orphan a beloved and forever cherished son.
So, in the meantime we will certainly keep you updated!! We are praying and hoping we have our Letter of Acceptance from China in the next couple of weeks. Once that happens, we will post pictures, and you will finally get to see the little sweetie you have been reading and praying so much/so long about!
Here is the photo album we sent to our agency just recently to have sent to our little guy! It's an amazing feeling to know soon the little one you've been thinking, dreaming, and praying for is finally going to be shown and told he has a mommy and daddy (and brother and sister)!! He cannot comprehend what "mommy and daddy" really means (yet!), but we pray and hope he is granted some peace and comfort as he looks at the album.